Mining for Ancient Debris in Minecraft

According to Sportskeeda there are five ways to get Ancient Debris: strip mine, TNT explosions, bed mining, finding Netherite scraps in Bastion Remnant chests, and by exploding end crystals.

I've tried the first three methods. Since Ancient Debris is rarer than diamonds, strip mining can be a long process. Exploding beds can be dangerous, usually starts multiple fires, and makes a smaller crater than a TNT explosion. I prefer mining Ancient Debris by using TNT.

To mine Ancient Debris with TNT you need:

TNT - you can find it in desert temples and shipwrecks, but it is easy to make from sand and gunpowder. You can find gunpowder in desert temples, dungeons, shipwrecks, and woodland mansions, but the easiest way to get it is by killing creepers and ghasts. I also get a lot of gunpowder from my larger mob grinder.

Redstone powder and levers.  Some of your dust and levers will be consumed by the explosions, so be sure to take plenty. (You can also try shooting at the TNT using fire arrows, a regular arrow won't work. ).

How I Mine Ancient Debris:

Take Redstone dust and levers, ladders and torches. Be sure to wear a piece of golden armor. 

Find a Nether biome where you can mine down to bedrock. My mine is in a crimson forest.

Mine down to levels 11 or 12.  (I did a short survey of fourteen explosions at level 11, resulting in 10 Ancient Debris blocks found at an average of level 9. Your mileage may vary.). 

Make a long tunnel from your landing point, and then make a side tunnel two-high tunnel six feet deep. Put one block down at the end and put the TNT on top of it. Make a line of Redstone dust back to a lever. Pull the lever and run away. I found running ten feet from the TNT to be a fairly safe distance. 

After the explosion is over and you have stopped up any lava sources, look for exposed blocks - Ancient Debris, Nether crystals, and other hard blocks will be exposed. 

I put double torches on the tunnel I came from, and continued in a line, making one long wide tunnel. You will collect a lot of netherrack along the way, so you could take a furnace and coal to turn the netherrack into nether bricks, and then use a crafting table to make the bricks into Nether Brick Blocks to make it easier to carry. 

Use a forge to make Ancient Debris into Netherite scrap, then combine the scrap with gold to make Netherite ingots. Use the ingots to upgrade diamond armor into Netherite armor.

My armor collection. Something to wear for every occasion.
(Leather, Iron, Gold, Diamond,
Chain Mail and Netherite. )


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