Minecraft Gadgets That Even An Old Lady Can Make - For Nintendo Switch Bedrock Edition

Minecraft is a popular game that has been out for a long time, has been updated multiple times, and is on several versions on at least nine different platforms.  For this reason, when you try to make "an easy build" that you read about in an article or viewed on a video it might not work for you.

Here are some things that I was able to make on Minecraft Switch Bedrock:


Jeb Door:

The classic door is a 2x2 block door that is hidden when closed and sits flush with the wall. When activated, it slides across to reveal a secret passageway.

I got the directions for my Jeb door at Skippy 6 Gaming.

Jeb Door - Closed (Lever is at top left - could be hidden better)

Jeb Door - Open - Showing back wall of secret chamber

Automated Sugarcane Farm 

I got directions for the automated farm from JWhisp. I made some modifications.

This farm works by using observers to trigger pistons that push the top of the cane off, where it falls into hoppers linked to a chest. It also works for bamboo.

Old-fashioned farm on left, automated farm on right.


Old-Fashioned Sugarcane Farm

For the old-fashioned farm I was lucky to have a flat piece of land near my base that only required a little terraforming. I dug one-block irrigation channels, covered them with slabs, and added more planks and slabs to make harvest easier. I go down each double row cutting off the cane, then backtrack and pick up any stray cane and re-plant any bare areas. 

Old-fashioned Sugarcane Farm

Both farms have their advantages and disadvantages. 

The old-fashioned farm didn't need a lot of materials, but cane has to be manually-harvested.

The 'modern' farm works automatically, but required resources (iron and Redstone) that might not be available to beginning players.  


Cactus Farm

From Avomance

Cactus can be dangerous to both mobs and players, and I've read that it can break Netherite armor. It is often used in mob traps and as barrier fences. One unusual use is as a 'trash can' for items that you do not need.

Semi-Automatic Wheat Garden  (left)

I cannot find the original tutorial for the wheat garden on the left; however, the basic concept is covered at the Minecraft Wiki.  Flipping a switch releases a wave of water,  and the wheat and wheat seeds are swept down to hoppers and transferred to a chest.  I have not found a way to automatically replant the field. 

Bonemeal tower (Lower Right)

Another build from Avomance.  This is a simple contraption. You put compostable items in the top chest, and bone meal is collected in the chest at the bottom. 


Grandfather Clock

This design is from Biggs87x  The tutorial shows how to use pistons to force an armor stand wearing gold boots into a glass block.  Two things to be aware of: 

1. Do not touch the bottom of the armor stand while building because it will change position and you may have an armor stand arm or leg sticking out of the clock.

2. The armor stand is an 'entity' which may despawn without warning. 

Big Mob Grinder

This is a 'classic' build. I made one I called "Wombat". 

Taking Advantage of a Skeleton Spawner

This one gives you XP points as well as mob drops. 



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