Minecraft - Changing Platforms

 I just downloaded the 'Java' version of Minecraft. I had been using the Bedrock version on Switch,  but I wanted to try to get Achievements and they weren't available for Switch Minecraft without significant hoop-jumping. Things are very different.  What were 'Achievements' in Bedrock are now called 'Advancements' in Java.

I started a New World without cheats and it was a big shift. I hadn't realized how using the "keep inventory" cheat had made things easy, and it was discouraging to build up XP points and inventory and then die and lose everything. 

Added 10-30-2021. I started a new world in Java and found that I could get Advancements while using "keep inventory." On Switch, I was finally able to access the Microsoft website and get 'Achievements' there.

I'm also having to learn keyboard commands - I died the second day after accidentally hitting the Trader and having his llamas spit at me and knock me back into a hole. I'm looking for a way to make keyboard commands more usable.

I understand that some things in Java work differently from Bedrock. The computer structure is different, and Redstone gadgets may not work the same. I've seen the charts on the Wiki comparing platforms. I'm sure I'll learn about more.

Java vs Bedrock:

- In Java you can't make a plain map out of paper, you have to make a locater map (using paper and a compass)

-In Java there don't seem to be fallen trees

-In Java you don't need to make an extra wooden shovel for an oar, and the boat collapses more easily.

I plan to start a New World once I feel I have learned the controls enough to navigate without thinking. I'm still doing "Vegan Minecraft" (no killing neutral mobs except for fishing) but found some leather armor in a village and enough iron so I could make shears and get wool to make a bed.

Hideyhole in New World


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