
Tired of Minecraft blogs and videos showing someone getting to the End in record time? This blog is about how one old lady enjoys Minecraft at her own speed. I hope it will inspire other senior citizens to try the game.

Being a senior has disadvantages: my eyes, ears, reflexes and brains are not what they used to be. On the other hand, I have more leisure time. 

Most folks my age have hobbies like knitting or doing crossword puzzles. I like to play video games.

This is my second Minecraft Switch world. I try not to kill animals that do not attack me. I'm not totally vegan - I fish and I will eat meat when I find it or a pet brings it to me. I guess a better term would be "Pescatarian" - someone who skips red meat but will eat fish, or drink milk. 

This makes it a bit difficult to create objects that require feathers or hides.

I don't steal from villagers, or use them in iron farms or similar exploits. 

I use some cheats like "keep inventory" because Minecraft should be fun and it is no fun starting over all the time. Other than that, I play normal difficulty survival in a randomly-generated world. Seed is 1233655356. 

I enjoy building and exploring.  

* just a few:

Nancy Today


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